G-Force Capital focuses primarily on investments in smaller growth companies, which carry a significantly higher level of risk. When investing in high risk or speculative investments, you could lose all of your original investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. You should invest in line with your risk appetite, diversify with lower-risk investments, always seek independent financial advice and never invest more than you are willing to lose.
Investments in high risk and speculative investments should only be considered as suitable for Professional Investors, High Net Worth Investors, Sophisticated Investors or as
part of an overall balanced portfolio of investments. High risk or speculative investments may not be suitable for you and you should seek independent financial advice as to the suitability of your personal circumstances prior to applying for an account with G-Force Capital.
Before entering into any transaction you should ensure that you understand and have made an independent assessment of the suitability and appropriateness of the transaction, and how it aligns with your risk appetite, investment objectives, time horizons and any other factors relevant to you. You should ensure that you only invest an amount you are willing to lose and that if your investment was lost, it would not have an adverse impact on your lifestyle.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you make an informed decision about whether or not to invest with G-Force Capital, based on your objectives. G-Force Capital assumes no liability for any loss sustained from investing in accordance with a recommendation.
In order to be accepted as a client you must be categorised as a Professional Client, High Net Worth Client, Sophisticated Investor or Eligible Counterparty as defined in the FCA Rules.
a. The price of investments can change quickly and go down as well as up.
b. Higher risk or speculative investments will often have wider spreads on and are often more illiquid. In some circumstances it may be difficult to sell at any price.
c. Shares in smaller companies can also be relatively illiquid, meaning they could be harder to trade in and out of, which makes them high risk as a result.
d. High risk or speculative investments are often subject to extreme volatility, particularly over news, company announcements or wider market volatility.
e. When committing funds to high risk investments, you
may not be able to realise your investment within your preferred time-scale, if at all, meaning that you may not be able to realise any cash sums originally invested.
f. Investments in IPOs and placings involve a high degree of risk and are not suitable for all investors.
g. Risk can be brought about by a multitude of reasons such as, the unpredictability of world markets, interest rates, taxes on income and capital, and foreign exchange rates.
h. Investors should carefully consider their own personal financial circumstances before dealing in financial markets. If you have any doubts about suitability of an investment you should seek independent professional advice at the earliest opportunity.